I mentioned to someone yesterday that Blog Like Crazy was not for me. I mean, what could you possibly have to say every day for 30 days. I have had this conversation that I only write when I have something to say. Which, if you follow my blog, is definitely, not every day. Then, I realized that I might actually have more to say then just every once in awhile. I began to read some of the blog posts by the women who are participating, and I was moved. So, I am going to give it a try. This is blog post #3 for me today. Yes, I am behind but I am trying to catch up.
My Bucket List
Since we have already been talking today about places to visit and places I have been wanting to see, let’s talk about bucket lists.
Most people’s bucket list consist of places that are luxurious, famous or hold some significant meaning for them. My bucket list consists of places that; 1) I read about in my historical novels,  2) I have researched in school, 3) hold a linguisical/archeological interest for me, or 4) is remote.
So, here is my bucket list:
Machu Picchu, Peru
New Zealand
The South Pacific Islands (ALL of them)
The American Serengeti Project
My husband and I also have a love of the Four Seasons hotel chain, and we are trying to stay in as many of them around the world as we can. There are 92 worldwide and so far we have stayed in one. We have a long way to go!
What is on your bucket list? Please share, as we are always looking for new places to explore. I hope you have enjoyed my bucket list!
Photo Credit: szeke via photopin cc, Sandy Austin via photopin cc, Claudio.Ar via photopin cc, Olivier Cochard-Labbé via photopin cc, maapu via photopin cc, Hilary Gaunt via photopin cc, Phillie Casablanca via photopin cc, Arno & Louise Wildlife via photopin cc, Edgar Barany via photopin cc, The Man in Blue via photopin cc, eteela via photopin cc
This reminds me that I need to update and post my own bucket list. I love the idea of focusing on places you want to visit.
PS — Thanks for joining me for #bloglikecrazy.
Javacia, check out my blog post on my bucket list. I cannot wait to see these places in person!