To Shop or Not

We all have our favorite stores, and places we love to shop. Unless you are me, that is. Now, I do not care to shop in regular malls. Ugh! I guess you could say I loathe hate can’t stand to shop, period. The word alone makes my vision blurry and makes me shudder. Ewe.

I shop as a necessity for clothing, and miscellaneous needs for myself or my family. I even hate dislike going to the grocery store! According to the Free Dictionary, to “shop” literally means “to go from store to store in search of merchandise or bargains.” Why people find such enjoyment from this, I will never understand. I am not one of them.

Why get in a car, drive from place to place, fight the crowds, the germs, the noise, the people, and waste the gas, when you have this fabulous thing called the internet right at home?

OMG! Internet shopping is a lifesaver! This amazing invention called internet shopping has been my salvation when it comes to clothes, and Christmas shopping for the last several years. Have you been to a mall at Christmas time lately? No thank you!

Now, the stores I frequently go to on the internet are JCPenney, QVC, HSN, Catherines, and Woman Within. Each store has something unique about their clothes for women I find attractive.

JCPenney’s cost of their clothing, and selection for women, is what attracts me to their store. QVC has this amazing line of clothes called Citiknits. Citiknits is a wash and wear line. You literally wash it, hang it up and wear it. No drying (in the dryer) or ironing required! I love it! HSN has a similar line called Slinkys. It is also a wash and wear line, and has just as good of a selection. Woman Within has a mix of everything; casual, dresses, shorts, and sleepwear. If you are a savy shopper, Walmart has a casual wash and wear line called the George line. It is a functional casual work, and everyday wear line that is well priced and comfortable. George also has a shoe line. I own several pair of the shoes that I wear to work with pants and casual clothes.

If I had to be dragged kicking, and screaming to a land based store to shop, (there is that awful word again) shudder. I would have t0 choose, Goody’s. They always have a great selection and great prices. Next, would have to be Catherines, and then last would be Sears.

What are your favorite online clothing stores? Please share as I am always looking for new places to buy clothes, and new ways to avoid the mall! Hope you enjoyed my internet shopping story.



  1. Redhotwritinghood says:

    I’m with you on shopping for clothes. Hate going to the stores… but Christmas shopping I actually enjoy. I normally try to get mine done before Thanksgiving gets here to miss the crowds. I am a little behind this year though.

  2. admin says:

    Mandy, there is nothing wrong with thrift stores! When my kids were little I shopped there all the time. Also, I never pay full price for my clothes. I always wait for a sale, call me cheap. No one should have to pay full price for clothes, they are expensive enough as it is!

  3. Pam Schmidt says:

    Cynthia, you are a woman after my own heart! Hate, hate, hate, shopping!!!! Always have, always will. I felt like such a bad mom to my daughter, because I hated shopping. She learned that if we went shopping for her birthday or whatever, I had a very short span I would be able to endure. About 3 hours is my max. I often go longer in those events, because if we don’t get to all the places that day, it will never happen. One of my daughter’s had a friend, whose mom would take them shopping (my daughter provided her own money). Now that my daughter is 22 yrs. old, and she works in a mall, she sees things differently. Last week, she said, “I hate shopping.” I gasped with a smile on my face-she’d come over to the dark side where I live!!!!!! My favorite jingle to sing in December works with the tune to Up On the Housetop. “Work on my laptop, click click, click. FedEx brings my presents, mighty quick!”

  4. cynthia says:

    Pam, Yes! the UPS/FedEx people are my friends for Christmas shopping! I avoid the malls like the plague. I went to one store the other day to get something, and after the way I was treated, I will never go back. It is online for me every Christmas from now on.

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